Mobile Companions

  • Jointly

    Purposeful Cannabis Consumption

    Cannabis consumption is often misconceived by folks. Some use it for stress, others for creativity. With Jointly, you can keep track of your consumption and bring purpose to it.

    Jointly tracks 15 factors that impact your experience like dose, how you consume, hydrate or hunger levels, exercise, rest, and your environment. With this info, Jointly helps you optimize your experience and monitor your consumption.

  • Leafly

    Just Say Know

    The encyclopedia of cannabis strains. Want to know more about a strain? Leafly has an enormous amount of information regarding genetic makeup, effects, history, fun facts, and even growing tips.

    Education in the cannabis industry is extremely important. Leafly has an abundance of education for beginners, lawmakers, and long-time consumers.

    Like Wikipedia, Leafly is a one-stop app to a library of products and strains.

  • Weedmaps

    Enhance Your Life

    Legal cannabis deliveries were made possible with Weedmaps. Founded in 2008, they are the pioneers of integrating cannabis and New Age technology.

    Visiting Canada or another legalized state? With Weedmaps in your pocket - you’ll find your favorite brand or strain in no time. Perfect for people on the road.

    They have an abundance of features you’ll love!